Malnie Ally, FNP-C

Ms. Malnie Ally completed her undergraduate degree at Georgia Baptist College of Nursing. She then pursued a Master of Science in Nursing at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Becoming a member of the neurology team and care for patients under the supervision of Dr. Dinesh Raju is an exciting new chapter of her healthcare […]

Mitesh Bhakta, Pharm.D.

Dr. Bhakta earned his Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD.). and B.S. degrees from the University of Tennessee – Memphis. After developing his clinical and management skills in various pharmacy settings, he opened the Gwinnett Clinic Pharmacy at Lawrenceville (Main) to help provide our patients with comprehensive care. Among his other innovative contributions to overall patient care […]

Richard Goodjoin, MD

Dr. Goodjoin was born in New York City and grew up in the Bronx, NY. His love of science and math led him to the Bronx School of Science, where he developed an interest in medicine. Dr. Goodjoin earned his undergraduate degree at Harvard University and his medical degree from the University of California San […]

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