Gwinnett Clinic is proud to offer telemedicine visits. We are committed to keeping you safe and healthy!
New Patients
- Call any Gwinnett Clinic office to schedule an appointment – it only takes a few minutes!
- Click below to consent for your upcoming telemedicine visit:
Telemedicine Consent - Fill out our new patient packet before your appointment online or download and print out the packet below and have a family member or friend drop it off at our office nearest you!
Download Packet
Please note that COVID-19 rapid testing and/or PCR swabs can be scheduled the same or next day following a phone or telemedicine appointment.
Established Patients
- Click below to consent for your upcoming telemedicine visit.
Telemedicine Consent - Haven’t scheduled one yet? Call any Gwinnett Clinic office to schedule – it only takes a few minutes!
Please note that COVID-19 rapid testing and/or PCR swabs can be scheduled the same or next day following a phone or telemedicine appointment.